Our Club History

The Australian Caravan Club (ACC) was initially founded in September 2006 at the Golden Beach Caravan Park at Caloundra in Queensland.

A group of caravanners felt that the then existing RV Clubs did not focus enough on protecting and representing the interests of owners of caravans.

Since then our Club has grown and evolved to include the owners of pop top caravans, motorhomes, slide-on campers, camper-trailers, campervans and fifth wheelers. While our membership base has changed, our simple foundations have remained. Our focus now is to protect and represent the interests of all RVers, not just caravanners.

Under its Constitution, our Club’s main objective is to ‘promote the use of recreational vehicles and the RVing lifestyle throughout Australia’.

With a strong focus on advocacy, our Club is a voice for all RVers to all three tiers of government and the RV industry on issues ranging from freedom camps and rest areas, to RV lifestyle issues and manufacturing defects.

While many RVers join our Club to strengthen our impact as a strong force to protect our RV lifestyle, RVers also join for the social environment or member benefits that membership of our Club brings.

Our Branches

The first branch of the ACC to form was the ACC Sunshine Nomads on 13 April 2007 in Queensland.

The second branch, the ACC Southern Nomads, was established later in the year on 12 October 2007 with a view to establishing a branch of the Club for caravanners living in Victoria.

From these humble beginnings, the ACC has grown from strength to strength. We now have over 40 branches at various locations around Australia from Cairns to Perth, including Tasmania.

Our branches provide a great social environment for members to get together with like-minded people, discuss tech tips, and share friendships and adventure at branch musters, tagalongs, and other branch activities held throughout the year.

To find a branch near you, click here.

Our Special Interest Groups

Catering to the special interests of our members is something that our Club feels strongly about. So with a diverse membership base, to cater for our members who share similar interests, our Club has established a number of Special Interest Groups (S.I.Gs) –

✽ The Lone Trekkers (for solo travellers). For further information, click here.

✽ F.T.T. (Full time Travellers). For further information, click here.

✽ Armed Forces Personnel. For further information, click here.

✽ Jeep Owners. For further information, click here.

Our S.I.Gs are in addition to our branches. Club members can be a member of a branch and a member of a S.I.G. at the same time.

Club and Branch Events

Each of our branches organises upwards of six musters per year.

Branch musters are always an enjoyable occasion for all attendees. Musters are generally held over a weekend at a location within easy reach of branch members. The number of attendees varies at each muster depending on the size of the branch and availability of its members.

Each year a National Muster is held to coincide with the Club’s Annual General Meeting. The National Muster is a much larger, organised gathering held over a number of days at various venues around Australia –

✽ 2007 – Byron Bay NSW

✽ 2008 – Casino NSW

✽ 2009 – Mildura VIC

✽ 2010 – Maryborough QLD

✽ 2011 – Bingara NSW

✽ 2012 – Mallacoota VIC

✽ 2013 – Mudgee NSW

✽ 2014 – Lucindale SA

✽ 2015 – Beaudesert QLD

✽ 2016 – Shepparton VIC

✽ 2017 – Bingara NSW

✽ 2018 – Denmark WA

✽ 2019 – Warrnambool VIC

✽ 2020 – Not held due to COVID lockdown

✽ 2021 – Rockhampton QLD

✽ 2022 – Lithgow NSW

✽ 2023 – Goolwa SA

Our club can also host State & Territory Musters which are smaller and differ from our National Musters. All our events provide an opportunity for members to have fun, exchange information and experiences in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

The Nomad

Our Club publishes a full colour magazine, The Nomad, containing a wealth of topics including articles on Club News, technical tips, RV lifestyle and travel, RV product profiles, upcoming musters, branch contacts and our Club Shop catalogue.

The Nomad is issued electronically to members each quarter. Members can elect to pay a small annual fee and receive a hard glossy print version by post.

Club Website

Our Club maintains a dynamic website containing a large amount of information of interest to our members and website viewers.

Latest news, an events calendar, a membership directory, an active members’ forum, lists of member benefits and Farm Stays, an Ask the Caravan Guru service for members only, useful links and a What’s On page, are a few of the facilities on the site available for our members.

Our Facebook page

The ACC Facebook page is another news source and social tool for our members and other RVers to keep abreast of RV and Club issues and to contact us via message or visitor post. To view our Facebook page, click here.

We welcome both members and non-members to ‘Like’ our page and ‘share’ posts of interest.

Becoming a member

To find out more about Club membership, click here.

Contacting our Club

Contact details for the Club’s –

✽ administration can be found by clicking here.

✽ branches can be found by clicking here.

Club Management and Operational Structure

A board of directors controls and manages the affairs of the Club according to its Constitution. It consists of six directors elected by the membership. A number of committees have been established to assist the board in specific areas. All directors are dedicated volunteers who receive no remuneration for their work. Details of our Club’s directors are listed at the end of this page.

Dynamic Committees

Our Club has several dynamic teams who constantly work for the betterment of our Club members and all RVers.

Our teams include –

✽ policy, advocacy and town support

✽ finance and administration

✽ RVSTAY (Farm Stay and Freedom Camping)

✽ membership support

✽ marketing and member benefits

✽ annual national muster

✽ communications and publicity

Registered Company

Unlike other clubs that are State-based incorporated bodies, the ACC is an Australian Registered Company that reflects our truly National identity. 

We have a comprehensive Constitution which clearly sets out our objectives and governs the operation of the Club.

To view our Constitution, click here.

The document is in Adobe pdf format and an appropriate reader may be obtained free from Adobe by clicking the following button.



The Club Directors   



Graham Humphreys - Chair and Membership Director I commenced my working life in the motoring industry with Larke Hoskins, as a spare parts salesman. I became the relief Parts Manager before taking over as Parts Manager at Larke Hoskins Miranda. I later joined JRA (Leyland Australia) and held the position of Parts Technical Manager. The role entailed researching new vehicle requirements and recommending stocking requirements. With a change in direction, I moved into the Purchasing department and later joined Echlin Australia as Purchasing Manager, became a member of the companies Quality Control, and WHS committees.

I have been a member of the Australian Caravan Club since 2006, joining the Golden Westerners branch when formed in 2008. I have been Branch Secretary from 2013 -2015 & 2023. Branch President 2016 – 2018. I have conducted the branch Tag-A-Longs and helped with the organization of the branch Musters and held a successful chairman’s muster in 2021, in Trangie.

 I managed the ACC Drought Relief Fund; I was the first NSW Membership Representative.

Over the years I have had dealings with various Statutory bodies (local Councils, NSW Police, Forestry Corporation of NSW) conducting and managing 50 competitive Car Rallies.

Judy and I have been caravanning since 2001 and are currently travelling in our 5th caravan and enjoying our club and branch activities.  



Rob Tudor - Treasurer - retired in 2003, bought a caravan and went travelling.  Prior to retirement he worked for over 30 years in the Information Technology industry both in Australia and overseas.  He is a Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia and holds an Economics Degree majoring in Accounting.  He maintains his own web site detailing his travels and is also the webmaster for the club.




Tom Smith - Policy/Advocacy - is a retired grazier from south east Queensland. He's been a caravanner since 1991, and has extensive agricultural representative experience. His main goals with the ACC include freedom of choice for camping locations and promoting safety through education.


Dianne Pugh - Secretary - Dianne retired in 2015 having spent over 35 years working in the Real Estate Industry as an Office Manager, Senior Property Manager and Bookkeeper. Dianne’s love of camping started at a young age going on camping holidays with her parents and sister, which ultimately led to relocating from Sydney to the Sunshine Coast. When Dianne married and had a family of her own camping again became a holiday pastime. In 2006 Dianne & husband Garry became caravaners, several caravans later they are still enjoying caravaning at least 6 months of the year. Dianne is an active member of the Sunshine Nomads having held the positions of Treasurer and Secretary. There have been many adventures and lasting friendships since joining the ACC Sunshine Nomads in 2010.,